This flat bow is available in two sizes, so pinwheels are a favorite among teenage girls and older girls alike. Working with wider ribbons can be tricky, so start with narrower ribbons.
Difficulty: Intermediate Knot size: 8cm or 11cm, depending on the ribbon width used
Before making this webbing bow please have:
✧ Grosgrain or satin ribbon 57cm long and 22mm wide
✧76cm long, 38mm wide grosgrain or satin ribbon
✧10cm long and 10mm wide ribbon of the same color or matching ribbon for the center part
✧Air-eliminating pen or water-soluble marker pen
✧ 2 forked duckbill clips
✧Put on a chenille needle with mercerized cotton thread and tie one end with a knot
✧ Branding brush, lighter or hemming liquid
✧ Hot melt glue gun and glue stick
✧ Hair clips or hair ties
1. The pattern (if any) is face up. If a narrow ribbon is used, make a mark 4cm away from the left end of the ribbon, and make another mark 9cm away from the first mark. If using a wider ribbon, make a mark 5cm from the left end of the ribbon and another mark 12.5cm from the first mark.

2. Fold the ribbon into a "Z" shape, with the left end of the ribbon pointing to the left, at a slightly upward angle at the 2nd mark made in step 1 by folding the right side behind the ribbon, at the 1st mark stop. Repeat to wrap the ribbon to the front.

3. Repeat until layer 3 "Z" appears, with the tails at the lower left and upper right corners, respectively.

4. Find the center by folding in half, then open. Use 1 or 2 split duckbill clips in the center to secure the folds. Sew a few flat stitches vertically through the center of the knot from the back. Tighten the wire to tighten the center.
5. Wrap the thread around the center of the knot and tie the knot at the back. Trim the ends, using V- or diagonal shears, and seal the edges. Glue the knotted center section and attach a bobby pin or hair tie of your choice. If you use a water-soluble marker, you can erase the mark with water.
Post time: Sep-13-2022